We breathe, on average, over 20,000 times a day. Yet most people are unaware of how they are breathing most of the time. Due to lifestyle, stress, and lack of awareness, dysfunctional breathing is remarkably common. While most people are unaware, breathing is one of the simplest ways to influence your autonomic nervous system for your benefit.
Optimal breathing may be different depending on whether we are relaxing, working, sleeping, exercising or competing in a sports event. But dysfunctional breathing can pervade across all of these situations. It is habitual and the effects are cumulative over time, adversely affecting our health, wellness and functioning.
This can be corrected with focused, targeted breathing practices to halt any deterioration and restore functional breathing. The even better news is that we can build breathing practices to take you into higher levels of health and performance than you may have thought possible. So we not only stop the pendulum from going negative, we also push it in the opposite direction.
Like with breathing, exposure to cold is another way we can purposefully influence our autonomic nervous system. Dealing with the cold is something our ancestors had to contend with, and our bodies have adaptations for this. But for most people these are never used, and therefore never enabled to properly "switch on". This is unfortunate, as cold exposure can trigger a cascade of beneficial effects, which can improve our physical and mental health, and overall functioning.
Cold exposure (e.g. via ice baths) may seem novel and can be extremely enjoyable when done right. It is also important though to be aware of safety considerations. We pride ourselves on giving individual guidance to our clients to ensure cold exposure parameters are appropriate for each person. This way the practise can be undertaken safely and also, importantly, with maximum beneficial effect for each individual.
There is a connection between how we breathe, how we move, and how our minds function. For most people these things happen automatically, most of the time. There is little awareness of them, and it is therefore hard for people to know whether they are doing these things well or badly. And generally, people won't even think to consider this question!
Once we consciously direct our breathing, and when we take controlled cold exposure, our connection with our movement, and with the power of the mind may start to return to our awareness. We advocate reinforcing this connection with exercises for the mind and functional movement for the body. This is supplemental and will depend on the objectives of individual clients or groups.
We train people in focused practices that help them to live and perform at their optimal level of physical and mental health, fitness, performance and well-being throughout their lives.
In other words, we help people to maximise their HEALTHSPAN, so they can get the most out of their lifespan, regardless of their age, gender, underlying level of fitness, or life circumstances.
We intend, and expect, for this to have a significant positive impact on how people experience their own lives. This includes how they feel, how they perform, their health, and their happiness.
The potential benefits of our practices are wide ranging and may be brought to positive effect in our clients personal lives and careers.
For corporations and other organisations, these practices can be trained to employees, members, or clients, to benefit those individuals as well as the organisations they are part of.
Being at optimal health is conducive to greater satisfaction in all aspects of life.
But many people fail to get there due to apathy towards tedious training. Our purpose is to show people that optimal is easier, and more enjoyable, to achieve than many think.
Our approach is unorthodox, but simple, and highly effective.
We focus on training methods that allow you to tap into your autonomic nervous system. In this way you can begin to influence bodily functions that are typically out of your control. These automatic functions can work against us due to adverse lifestyle and unconscious behaviours. By accessing our autonomic nervous system, we have the potential to influence these functions positively. We can effectively train our bodies from the inside out.
We have the potential not only to correct flaws, but also to reset and super-charge our system towards optimal. Our training can be used on a standalone basis, but it can also be easily incorporated into existing routines (both fitness training and work routines).
We expect to amaze people by how much they can improve their health, performance, well-being - and HEALTHSPAN - with relatively little additional time and effort.